Sunday, May 31, 2009

Family Reunion 2009

This past Memorial Day weekend was, for me, a most wonderous time. We had a 5-day gathering of our family. My husband and I have five grown children. Altogether we have a dozen Grandchildren and one Great-Grandchild. The last time our five have been together was 1985. It amazes me how much time has passed since then. Some of our Grandchildren we hadn't yet met. Now we are family again!

Our Family Reunion was Friday, May 22nd through Tuesday May 26th. All five of our children were here, ten of the Grandkids, and our Great-Granddaughter. I have always wanted to be the "Waltons" so this was about as close as I got to that dream. I LOVED it! I wish everyday could be this way. Some friends came by, we played board games, had two glorious breakfasts, a pizza party, Root Beer floats and Smores, a couple of big barbeques and two birthdays. We took over 1600 photos! FUN!

It was endearing, exciting, funny, hilarious, exhilirating, exhausting. It was Everything all rolled into five days. We talked, we laughed, we shared memories, we cried. I am so very thankful we had this time together. When your kids all grow up and have families of their own, they scatter like the wind, they fill their lives with "stuff" and with "life". It is difficult to get them all to come together in one spot for any amount of time at all. Thank you Lord, for bringing our family together for a time. May we be blessed again soon...


This is the final week of this competition for posting challenges. It will now take weeks for the public voting and tally and several posts on the So You Think You Can Scrap website. I have not expected to win this competition, but I enjoy doing challenges and seeing what other scrappers come up with. It gives us all wonderful comraderie and inspires us with new techniques and new creative thinking.

This week the challenge was to tell about an "Item, a Something" rather than a person. The kit was called Its A Bird. My Bonus Pages show My Trans Am (my favorite car I have ever owned), God's Beauty (shown in a beach photo), my Grandson's school, and a light show at a concert (photo taken by my daughter Courtney). The upper most page is the one I posted to the competition. It was a photo my daughter took on her cell phone in the tanning bed and we love the colors! I decorated it all up with tatoos and steam etc. and was looking for something whimsical. I like it.


The challenge for week 5 was Color My World. The Bonus Rounds require 100% use of the kit they choose for us. Here are some pages I posted. The top one, my daughter I turned into a Jaguar, is the one I posted to the competition. The other two were also for the bonus round. The challenge was to do something different with your photo.

SUTUCS Week 5 bonus round

More pages for this competition - these 5 were posted to the Bonus Round.