Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Life Changes

Life changes. There is nothing we can do about it - it changes. There is something we can do about how we feel about it. We might as well accept it. Accepting it doesn't mean we have to like it (although some changes are very like-able and can be downright pleasant). Accepting the fact that we know change is inevitable takes a lot of the stress out of it. That frees us up to then go forward and deal with that new change, that new adventure, new challenge - whether the change is a good one or a bad one.
The flower that blooms in adversity (change, strive, struggle, challenge, etc.) is the most rare and beautiful of all. God formed us, knit us together. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. God created us, God created life, God created change. We must go through changes in order to learn and by learning we grow, we mature, we become more accepting of others, we discover what life is and what love is. Every morning when I arise I think to myself "What will this day hold? What change or challenge will I face today? Whatever it is God will walk me through it."
The purple rose is one of my photographs. Purple represents God, the King, royalty. The rose represents tenderness, fragility, the natural course of new birth, growth and death. I hope you enjoy it.
The photo of myself was taken when I was elected to public office. The campaign, politics, speeches, and then serving the public upon my election was a big change for me and a huge challenge. It changed my life. I believe it is a place that God put me, for a time, for a purpose.

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