Thursday, October 30, 2008

Life as we know it...

Life as we know it... seems to be based on what we see, hear, smell, taste, touch, think and feel - our senses. The truth is, life is more about that which cannot be seen. We assume we live in a physical, material world. We actually live in a world that is much more spiritual than we realize and than some are willing to admit. Our lives are spirit filled, some good, some bad.
We are made in the image of God. That doesn't mean to say your 'body' is the image of God, but your 'spirit' is the image of God. All of our lives, even if we aren't aware of it, are filled with an ongoing spiritual battle between good and evil. We have free-will so it is our responsibility to make the choices we will live with. God gave us the spirit of right and wrong when he made us, every newborn has this knowledge. It is evil's desire to pull you in their direction so road blocks and confrontations are always put in front of you. No one has an easy path. We all face tribulations and trials, heart ache and trouble. Every time you face these problems and turn away from evil, your spirit grows and the angels in heaven cheer.
God never said life would be easy. What He said was that He would walk us through it, He will always be here with us. He is the Light and the Way. He gave us a book with all the rules and stories, for us to use so we could know the truth. The Bible is a great self-help book and holds all the answers. He wants us to know what we will be facing and how to live a happy, prosperous life. A lot of people mock it who have never taken the time to read it. I believe the Bible is filled with God's spirit. It is that spirit which you cannot see but you can feel, in your heart, it is there. He knew we would need this information so He had this book written. The Book comes from God, not from man. It's the Spirit that wrote it. God is in control of all things.
Someday our spirits will not live here in this world. He has gone to make us a new home. In that new home you will not need your body, will not face these trials, and will know truth. We live now by how we each 'perceive' the world to be. But that is a lie and is not 'truth'. I believe this day will be here soon. I hope you are prepared. Ask Jesus to show you the way. He will.

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