Thursday, April 9, 2009

SUTUCS Week 3 challenge

Week 3 is now here - our challenge is to make a page about A Moment in Time, sponsored by and posted in the gallery at After5Designs. Here are the pages I made for the competition and for the bonus round. We can post only one page for the competition using A5D and SPD papers and elements, and we can post as many bonus round pages as we want but they have to be made 100% from the chosen weekly kit - A Moment in Time collab.

First - from the top photo - is the page I posted to the competition. This is my greand-nephew Justin, who is so beautiful! The second from the top is a page I made also, but could only post one. The following pages I posted to the bonus round. I actually put 5 in the bonus round, as the prizes in that category are done by random draw. The more we post the more chances we have to win. The winners for the competition pages are selected through a process of judging and then viewer voting. A long process.

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