Friday, April 18, 2008

Beginning Today...

Beginning today, I will embrace my life. I will accept that within myself there is true beauty. I will salute forgiveness and forgive my faults. Out of utter truth and honesty, I will strive to be open with myself and accept myself as I am. I will not try to be something I am not, or try to be 'like' someone else. I will bury self-doubt and celebrate my optimism. I embrace virtue and integrity. I will turn from discouragement and face each challange that is put before me with a conquering spirit. I will hold tight to an "I can" attitude, but I will falter, and I will try, try again. I will be inspired by obstacles and face them with determination. I treasure genuine laughter and strength of heart. Beginning today, I will smile more, be sillier than I have in awhile, relax more and not worry about what someone else thinks of me. I will like myself, because, after all, I know myself better than any one else. Life goes by too quickly, therefore I shall eat ice cream if I want. I may lay in bed an extra amount of time on a rainy day with the blankets warm and the windows open, and smell the rain. I will take fewer things seriously and will take more chances. I am a child of God. I am His and whatever I face in life, He will walk me through it. I trust, and I surrender all. MY PHOTO: Mary's Blue Rose

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